Find Us Online

At Present Day Properties, we believe in being accessible wherever it is that you like to do business.

Here are some ways to connect with us online and learn more about our services:

  1. Facebook: Stay updated with our latest updates by following us on Facebook. Like our page at Present Day Properties to receive regular updates and news about the company and the real estate market.
  2. Instagram: Follow us on Instagram at @therealpresentdayproperties to discover success stories, before-and-after transformations, and valuable information about selling houses in any condition. Get inspired by our posts and learn more about how we can help you.
  3. LinkedIn: Connect with us on LinkedIn for professional insights, company updates, and networking opportunities. Follow our official page at Present Day Properties and stay informed about our services.
  4. Industry Directories: As a reputable home buying company, we are listed on various industry directories to help homeowners find us easily. You can find our listings in the following directories: